The Challenge
Educate CEOs and Increase Brand Awareness
Moxi Works needed a way to raise brand awareness and get their messaging in front of CEOs. For sales, scheduling meetings with CEOs had been difficult because CEOs simply didn’t know who we were. We knew we had to stand out so we devised a educational content campaign targeting CEOs that would position Moxi Works as industry thought leaders and raise brand awareness.
My Role
- Research, gathering and validating statistics
- Storytelling and copywriting
- Asset concepts, wireframes, layouts and visual design
- Marketing strategy and execution
- Managing relationships with 3rd party vendors
The Plan
Create Infographic and Get it in front of CEOs
I helped design layout, flow and the story we wanted to tell for the infographic. Once the details were ironed out the fine folks at at Killer Infographics took over and handled the visual design. View the full infographic here.
Getting our content in front of CEOs
To promote the infographic we launched a marketing campaign that included several design assets that I created, including:
Magazine Ad
I created the concept, designed the layout and wrote copy for a well respected industry technology guide which was distributed to over 1000 decision makers at real estate brokerages.
Facebook Ads
I designed and ran Facebook ads targeting real estate CEOs.
The Results
As a result of the campaign I was able to drive over 1000 extremely targeted site visitors who spent an average of 4 minutes looking at the infographic.